Monday 28 October 2013

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel – Silver, Gold Class.

Instituted on. 15th July1944
Numbers awarded were;
Rarity – Very Rare, Extremely Rare
Known Makers. Unmarked


Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Obverse.

 Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Reverse.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Gold - Obverse.

This award was instituted on 15th July1944. It consists of a pair of crossed swords, which have double-edged blades that widen to the tip.  They have plain hilts with rounded pommels and thick plain cross-guards.  The blade has a raised central spine.  They measure 54 mm from pommel to tip.  At the centre is superimposed a vertical fasces with a swastika superimposed on to it.  From either side of the fasces is a single oak leaf with an elongated stalk protruding from beneath the lower edges of the blades of the swords.  The outline of the leaves is pierced.
The reverse of the badge is plain with a horizontal safety pin type of attachment.  This is secured to the reverse by a round plate in the example used for this description, but other methods were employed.  The overall colour is of patinated silver.  The Gold form is also artificially patinated.  One cautionary note to collectors is that this badge has been heavily copied, mainly in aluminium and great care has to be exercised in the purchase of this rare badge.     

Many Italian units that did not accept the armistice went on to fight on the German side. This created on 9th September 1943 the new Republican Army. The Official foundation of the Armed Forces of the "Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI)" was on 28th October 1943. Four Infantry Divisions were formed, namely the "Italia," "Littorio," "San Marco" and "Monterosa" Divisions. The badge was to recognise those Italians who underwent military training in Germany and was rendered to those soldiers of the four RSI Divisions and their German instructors. In accordance to the Italian Decree, Circular no. 160:"Giornale Militare Ufficiale" dated 1944: "In order to cement more and more comradeship ties with the allied army, the Duce has authorized a special badge to be issued to the soldiers of the Divisions under training and to their instructors." The badge was to be given to NCOs and privates in silver with Officers in Gold. The exact criteria for the award of the badge are unknown but it is believed that it was for three months instruction and was for young volunteers who underwent their basic training at the special training schools, and successfully completed the course, which is believed to have encompasses infantry, motorised armoured infantry and, in some cases, heavy armoured training.  It is presumed to equate to the other training school badges and loosely to the Germanic SS proficiency runes, bronze and silver. 
The badge has also been called the, 'San Marco Badge'.  An entry in the pay book of an Italian in the Germany Army described the badge as, 'Truppenabzeichen der Zweiten Italienen Divission San Marco in Silber'.  The award was worn above the right breast pocket.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Citation.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel in wear.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel in wear.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel in wear.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel in wear.
Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Obverse - Fake.
Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Reverse - Fake.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Obverse - Fake.

 Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Gold - Obverse - Fake.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Obverse - Fake.

Military Training In Germany Badge for Italian Personnel - Silver - Obverse - Fake.

Sunday 13 October 2013

The Police Decoration.

The Police Decoration.
Instituted on.
Rarity – Very Rare.
Known Makers – Unmarked, (K. Laakso – Oslo)


 The Police Decoration - Obverse.

Police Decoration - Revers.

Police Decoration - Revers. Variant pin.

The design of the award comprise of a Latin cross that measure 39 mm across with out-turned ends to the arms, which is described officially as “bronze“ but in fact is bluish – steel coloured. Through the arms of the cross runs a 1 mm wire circle that has a diameter of 27 mm. Onto the centre of the cross is placed the emblem of the Nasjonal Samling party which was the sun cross of St. Olaf, the fields of which were in filled with red opaque enamel and is silver in colour with a diameter of 14 mm. The reverse is flat with a central rivet that securers the sun cross of St. Olaf. It has a horizontal pin hinge and hook. Two forms have been encountered, a thin wire that raps round the hinge and has a rolling catch and a similar pin attached to the hinge and a “C “form catch. The cross in most cases made by the firm K. Laakso in Oslo.

The Police Decoration Is in one class only, and was given to those who served in the 1st or 2nd Police Company in Finland. It was awarded to those members of these 2 units who had displayed service that could be deemed,” For special endeavour in the struggle against Bolshevism”. It was to be worn on the left breast pocket of the tunic.

There also exists a version suspended from the upper arm by a ribbon that is an orange red that measures 44 mm. Onto the centre is machine sewn on top a piece of yellow ribbon tape that measures 12 mm. this award is called the National Police Honour cross and was only awarded to police men in Norway.


Thursday 10 October 2013

The Nasjonal Samling Party Badge.

The Nasjonal Samling Party Badge.  Rikshird, Unghird, Guttehird.  
Instituted on –
Rarity – Rare.

Known Makers – KIAAKSO

The Nasjonal Samling Party Badge - Youth grade - Obverse.

The Nasjonal Samling Party Badge - Youth grade - Reverse.
The Party Badge was circular with a diameter of 25 mm and comprises of the ‘Sun Eagle’ symbol of the Nasjonal Samling, being a circular gilt-edged red enamel disc bearing a gold cross with a double edged sword on either side of the central arm, this was given to the Rikshird who were 18 years and older. The youth badge in silver was given to the Unghird 14 to18 years old. The child’s badge in bronze was given to the Guttehird 14 years and under. The reverse was flat with at the top the member’s number engraved. At the centre was a screw post which had a circular button for attaching to the uniform. At the base was stamped in three lines, KIAAKSO, 925 S, and R.P. These badges were awarded to members of the Nasjonal Samling party who were very active. The badges were accompanied by a citation.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Sun Eagle Order.

The Sun Eagle Order.

Instituted on – 1944.
Rarity –Extremely Rare.
Known Makers – Trostrup.

The Sun Eagle Order - Obverse.
A special award was manufactured by the firm of Trostrup and presented to Vidkum Quisling by General Sectary Fuglesange in 1944. This award comprised of 55mm silver gilt and enamelled cross pattée with finials and rays in the angles. The arms of the cross have an opaque white outer field that has an inner field of dove grey opaque enamel. The central medallion comprises of the ‘Sun Eagle’ symbol of the Nasjonal Samling, being a circular gilt-edged red enamel disc bearing a gold cross. A gilt eagle with wings outstretched is placed at the centre of the upper arm of the cross. This has an ouse through which passes a small circular ring for attachment of the ribbon. The ribbon has the same colours as that of the “Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross.

After the war a few restrikes are reported to have been made.
The Sun Eagle Order - Citation.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

“NSUF” Marksmanship Badge

“NSUF” Marksmanship Badge - Bronze, Silver, Gold.

Instituted on

Rarity – Very Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare.

Known Makers – Unmarked.

“NSUF” Marksmanship Badge - Bronze - Obverse.

“NSUF” Marksmanship Badge - Bronze - Reverse.
The badge comprises of a slightly convex circular disk which has a 26 mm diameter. The outer edge is formed by a continuous two leaved wreath which is open at the top and crosses over at the base. Inside is three ringed target with a central Bulls eye that takes the form of the Nasjonal Samlings Ungdomsfylking membership badge. This is a green outer edge with at its centre the ‘Sun Eagle’ symbol of the Nasjonal Samling which is also finished in bronze on the bronze, silver on the silver and gold on the gold. Two crossed rifles complete the design. The reverse is plain with a pin hinge and hook.

“Hird” Sports Badge

“Hird” Sports Badge - Bronze, Silver, Gold.

Instituted on

Rarity – Very Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare.

Known Makers – Unmarked.

“Hird” Sports Badge - Bronze - Obverse.

“Hird” Sports Badge - Bronze - Reverse.
 The badge comprises of a circular disk which is slightly convex. It has a diameter of 33 mm which has a raised edge line and an inner one producing 3 mm field. Onto this in raised capital letter round the upper position RIKSHIRDENS. Two pellets are place one either side. Beneath again in raised capital letter IDRETTSMERKE. The centre has a Nordic cross. The vertical leg has a raised 6 two leaved frond with a single leave at the top. Over this is a pair of crossed broad bladed double edged swords. The fields between the arms of the cross are in filled pillar box red opaque enamel. The reverse is plain with the indented mark of the crossed swords. It has a horizontal hinge with thin wire pin secured by a wire “C” hook.
There is another form of the badge, which has the fields between the arms of the cross fretted out.
Axel Stang - Leader of the Norweian Hird. Above his left breat pocket he wears the NSUF Marksmanship Badge, the NS Badge of Honour, the Hird Sports Badge. In his tunic button hole is the ribbon of the German Iron Cross 2nd class.

Axel Heiberg Stang - Leader of the Norwegian “Hird”.

21 February 1904   11 November 1974

Party Number    SS Number

Iron Cross Second Class, NSUF Marksmanship Badge, NS Badge of Honour, “Hird” Sports Badge.

Born into two of Norway's most politically influential and wealthy families with large estates. His father Ole A. Stang was a businessman and landowner, while his mother Emma Heiberg was Queen Maud’s most trusted confidante and Lady’s Maid. He was born in Kristiania and had a brother Thomas, who subsequently married the actress Wenche Foss. He was uncle to the current Mayor of Oslo Fabian Stang. Axel Heiberg Stang was a Norwegian landowner and forester.
Stang first joined the Nasjonal Samling in 1933 and served as district leader in Glåmdal, although he was largely a minor figure before World War II. After the invasion of Norway in April 1940 he served as councillor of state in the Nasjonal Samling government of Vidkun Quisling, and later as minister. He was put in joint charge of the NS political staff with Ragnar Skancke. The Germans thought it wise to include him due to his family's close ties to the Royal Court and recommended that he be a part of the new government despite his lack of experience and commitment. In September he was appointed to Vidkun Quisling's collaborationist government as Minister of Labour and Sports, a heavily ideological department. In this role he passed a law in 1941 making service compulsory in the Arbeidstjenesten, an organisation modelled on the German Reichsarbeitsdienst,. He also made service compulsory for all children in the "NSUF”, this organisation was closely modelled on the Hitlerjugend. This proved a disaster as it infuriated the population and was later scrapped altogether. Also his attempts to force all sports club to join the Nasjonal Samling Sports Organisation proved a failure, leading to an almost total boycott of organised sport for the duration of the occupation.  Whilst continuing as a minister he also enrolled in the SS Division Nordland and won the German Iron Cross Second Class after seeing action in the Balkans.  He also served, during the summer of 1941, for 8 weeks on the Eastern Front in Finland. He was generally considered to be moderate and amicable among contemporaries, but unable to resist neither his German advisors nor the Norwegian hardliners in the government.

After the war, he was sentenced to life in prison in 1946, for his involvement in collaboration, which was subsequently commuted to 20 years of hard labour. At his appeal to the Supreme Court, a minority of 3 judges voted for the death penalty, among them his own cousin, Emil Stang. He received a full pardon in 1956 and retired to his estate at Rømskog, where he remained until his death.


“Hird” Military Sports Badge

“Hird” Military Sports Badge - Bronze, Silver, Gold.

Instituted on

Rarity – Very Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare.

Known Makers – Unmarked.

“Hird” Military Sports Badge - Bronze - Obverse.

“Hird” Military Sports Badge - Bronze - Reverse.
The badge comprises of circular convex disk that has a diameter of 32 mm.It has a raised edge line a 24 mm Viking shield with Nordic eight pointer design with a circular boss. Across the badge perpendicularly is a broad bladed two edged sword. Into the tramlines formed by the edge line and the outer edge of the shield in raised capital letter VERNE – IDRETT, above on either side is a six two leave frond with a single leaf tip. The field is darkens. The reverse is plain with an indentation of the sword. It has a flat hinge with broad tapered pin and a wire “C” hock at the base. The overall finish is lacquered.

Saturday 5 October 2013

“Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross. – Political

 “Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross. – Political - Knight’s Cross, 1st Class, and 2nd Class.

Instituted on – 1944.
Rarity – Very Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare.
Known Makers – Unmarked.

 “Tapper og Tro’ Korset”,  2nd Class - Political - Obverse.

 “Tapper og Tro’ Korset”,  2nd Class - Political - Reverse
 “Tapper og Tro’ Korset”,  2nd Class - Political - Obverse over laying the ribbon of the  “Tapper og Tro’ Korset”,  2nd Class.
The design of the three classes of the award are the same and comprise of a Bronze Latin cross that measure 44 mm across with out-turned ends to the arms. Between the arms are crossed swords. At the centre, instead of the date in raised numerals 1941, in the case of the 1st and 2nd class, is placed the emblem of the Nasjonal Samling party which was the sun cross of St. Olaf, the fields of which were in filled with red opaque enamel, and placed in the talons of an open winged eagle that is gilded. The reverse is flat saving for across the central arms the inscription ‘TAPPER OG TRO’, Bravery and Loyalty, in ‘Nordic’ script. In the case of the 2nd class on the upper arm is an oblong fine wire box through which the ribbon is placed. This comprises of an orange red band that measures 30 mm which is segmented into three 10 mm widths of orange red, orange yellow, orange red. At the top is a bronze bar 31 mm by 6 mm which has a pin hinge and wire C hook
The 1st class was the same design, but was a breast cross. The reverse was not “pin – backed” in the normal manner, but attached to the tunic by two lugs which had to be punched through the fabric and then bent flat.
The Knight’s Cross, might very well be a cross of the same design, but with four Party emblems superimposed over the swords in the angles of the cross. The date 1941 being at the centre. The cross was suspended from a suspender as described in the 2nd class. The ribbon comprises of an orange red band that measures 30 mm with two narrow yellow inset side stripes. It has been stated that this design of cross was produced in the 70’s by a Jeweller in Denmark from “Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross. - 2nd Class enhancing it with Party emblems. The example shown was from the Dodkins collection and obtained in the 50’s. The photo was used in David Littlejohns book published in 1973.  
In 1944, the Order was reassigned as an award for bravery in Norway and was awarded to members of the Nasjonal Samling, such awards being referred to as ‘politisk utgave’ political awards. At this time it is possible that the Order was also reorganised into three new grades, thus the 2nd class became the 3rd class, the 1st class became the 2nd class and the creation of a new 1st class as described.
The awards are housed in an oblong black card box with light pebbling. These measures 104 mm by 84 mm. the lid is hinged with paper the base is removable and constructed of diamond embossed cotton.

 “Tapper og Tro’ Korset”,  2nd Class - Political Cased.

“Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross.

“Tapper og Tro’ Korset” - Bravery and Loyalty Cross. - Knight’s Cross, 1st Class, and 2nd Class.

Instituted on – 1941.
Rarity – Very Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare.
Known Makers – Unmarked.
‘TAPPER OG TRO’  2nd Class - Obverse.
‘TAPPER OG TRO’  2nd Class - Reverse.
The design of the three classes of the award are the same and comprise of a Bronze Latin cross that measure 44 mm across with out-turned ends to the arms. Between the arms are crossed swords. At the centre is the date in raised numerals 1941, the date of the invasion of the Soviet Union. The reverse is flat save for across the central arms the inscription ‘TAPPER OG TRO’, Bravery and Loyalty, in ‘Nordic’ script. In the case of the 2nd class on the upper arm is a wire eyelet that is 90% to the arm of the cross through which is placed a small ring. This has attached to it, by sown thread, a ribbon that is an orange red that measures 44 mm. Onto the centre is machine sewn on top a piece of yellow ribbon tape that measures 12 mm. The length of the ribbon that is machine sown across the top is 130 mm long.

‘TAPPER OG TRO’  2nd Class - Ribbon - Obverse.

‘TAPPER OG TRO’  2nd Class - Ribbon - Reverse.
‘TAPPER OG TRO’  1st Class - Obverse.
‘TAPPER OG TRO’  1st Class - Obverse.
The 1st class was the same design, but was a breast cross. The reverse was not “pin – backed” in the normal manner, but attached to the tunic by two lugs which had to be punched through the fabric and then bent flat.
‘TAPPER OG TRO’ Knight’s Cross.

The  Knight’s Cross, again was the same design, but in this case the wire eyelet that is on the upper arm is in line to the arm of the cross through this is an elongated thin wire suspension loop that is approximately 30mm.

‘Tapper og Tro’ (Ridderkors) - Knights Cross.

‘TAPPER OG TRO’  1st Class Cased.
The awards are housed in an oblong black card box with light pebbling. These measures 104 mm by 84 mm. the lid is hinged with paper the base is removable and constructed of diamond embossed cotton.

‘TAPPER OG TRO’  1st Class Case Inner liner.

This Order in the three classes’s, began life as the ‘Order for Bravery and Loyalty’, instituted by the collaborationist Nasjonal Samling government under Vidkun Quisling in 1941 to be awarded to Norwegian front Fighter in much the same manner as the German Iron Cross. Shortly afterwards, however, Josef Terboven, German Reichskommissar of Norway, dictated that only German awards were to be worn by Norwegian collaborationist forces. Terboven and Quisling had a long history of rivalry and disagreement with Terboven doing his utmost to minimise the influence of Quisling, despite the orders of the Führer Adolf Hitler to help build the Nasjonal Samling. The Order was thus awarded for only a very brief period. It is thought at least one 1st class and one 2nd classes had been awarded. 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Pin.

Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Pin.
Instituted on
Rarity – Very Rare.
Known Makers – Unmarked


Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Pin. - Obverse.

Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Pin. - Reverse.
The award comprises of the emblem of the Nasjonal Samling party which was the sun cross of St. Olaf, the fields of which were in filled with red opaque enamel, and placed in the talons of an open winged eagle that is guilded. . The reverse is flat with a pin plat soldered directly behind the St Olav’s cross. On the left wing is stamped the membership number. This corresponds with that in the Red membership book that accompanied the award.
Very active members of the Nasjonal Samling party could become members in the struggle organization of the party. The members received a membership book and a struggle pin. Both had the same number.

Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Members Book. 

 Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Members Book - Page 1.

Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Members Book - Page 2. 

 Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Members Book - Page 4.

 Kamp Organisasjon (KO) Members Book - Page 12.